Webgraph from scratch: BVGraph (Draft) (7 min)
My notes on implementing and optimizing webgraph
Webgraph from scratch: Instantaneous Codes (Draft) (28 min)
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Instantaneous Codes* (*But Were Afraid to Ask)
Optimizing HyperLogLog (5 min)
Different tecniques I used to speed up our implementation of HyperLogLog Counters
Storing a set of integers, Elias-Fano, and Graphs (Pt.2) (Draft) (5 min)
How to encode a graph in Elias-Fano, and its properties
Storing a set of integers, Elias-Fano, and Graphs (Pt.1) (11 min)
First post on Elias Fano, here we discuss about the math and the theoretical background behind Elias-Fano
CUDA kernels in Rust (Draft) (3 min)
How to write memory safe GPU code in Rust
Writing Shellcodes in Rust (5 min)
Brief tutorial on how to write memory safe shellcodes using Rust.
M0lecon 2021 Rev Writeups (12 min)
Write up of the reverse engineering challenge of M0lecon 2021
On the optimal memory allocation for Random Walks on a Directed Graph (Draft) (10 min)
Hitcon 2020 dual writeup (7 min)
Write up of the rust heap exploitation challenge of Hitcon 2020 (dual)